
The session shall have responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope and love and witness. As it leads and guides the witness of the congregation, the session shall keep before it the marks of the church. In light of this charge, the session has responsibility and power to:

  1. Provide that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard.
  2. Provide that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received.
  3. Nurture the covenant community of disciples of Christ.
    Book of Order Presbyterian Church USA
Session Notes
Congregation trustees


The Board of Trustees are charged with the custody and maintenance of church property. We oversee the church in civil legal matters and attend to the necessary repairs and maintenance of the church properties, ranging from authorizing use of our building and grounds for religious and social functions, day to maintenance of the church and also extensive capital repairs to the building. We are thankful for those who assist through volunteering their time with the many projects we undertake. It is our privilege to serve God in this way through the maintenance of His building.

FPCJC Mission Committee

The purpose of the mission committee is to lead the congregation in living out its mission statement by interpreting what mission looks like through opportunities to serve, developing relationships with missionaries, being open to new mission moments, providing project challenges, responding to needs in our community, nationally, worldwide. The mission committee helps the congregation embrace the understanding that we are “Entering our Mission Field” when we walk out the doors of the church.

Mission Committee
outside work activity

Congregational Life

Our committee meets the second Tuesday of each month. We try to take on several activities throughout the church in order to keep everyone connected. Some of those activities are as follows:

  • Coffee hours the first Sunday of each month following worship
  • Outside yard cleanup and flower planting each Spring
  • Organize a sale of Easter Lilies
  • Organize a Summer church picnic
  • Decorate Sanctuary for Fall
  • Prepare and host Harvest Dinner around Thanksgiving
  • Decorate, remove and store Christmas decorations
  • Organize a Christmas gift giving project for those in need
  • Organize a sale of Poinsettias
  • Care for our shut-ins through phone calls, sending cards and keeping them lifted up in prayer.

New members are always welcome, if you are looking for an opportunity to serve Christ through volunteering in your local church please contact us.

Quilting group

We are a group of ladies who really like quilting, and we gather together on Tuesdays at 6:00pm. In this group we have two ladies who loves to needle point and one will bring hers every Tuesday, she just loves to laugh with us and tell stories. We also have ladies who like to knit and crochet. So if you want to learn to knit or crochet we’re the place to go. If you would like to learn to quilt, or learn any of these skills, all you need is $2.00, (for supplies), and a love for learning. Knitting or crochet, you will need to bring your own needles or hooks and yarn. These materials we do not have on site.

We have the fabric, thread and the sewing machines for quilting, but if you have your own machine and would like to bring it, please do. Your first quilt will be your learning quilt and will be donated to the church for a healing quilt. After learning to quilt, you can buy your own fabric and make a baby quilt, a lap quilt, a wedding gift or a quilt for your own bed. We have a lot fun and laugh a lot. So come join us we’d love more people!
